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Chapter Thirty-Four

The Prime-Law Amendment

will bring

Undreamt of Wealth, Health, Safety

to all including

The Poor, the Elderly, the Underprivileged

The one proper purpose of government is protection against initiatory force, coercion and fraud. Any other purpose ultimately depends upon initiatory force in the hands of a ruling class, the rule of man, which takes away our freedom and, therefore, our prosperity. (That fact is demonstrated in Twelve Visions, a Mark Hamilton Publication).

Indeed, the freer a country, the more prosperous, as shown throughout history. For the first time with the Prime Law, we are talking about a protection-only government and, therefore, a fully free country. There has NEVER been a fully free country on our planet.

Moreover, for the first time, we have reached the technology to experience a universal prosperity-explosion as first seen in the computer industry. If technology is set free to rapidly advance, we can ignite that prosperity-explosion in all industries. Prices will begin falling to fractions as happened to the computers. Buying power will soar. People’s buying power — all people’s buying power — will multiply a hundredfold. They will become rich, including the poor (see the demonstration in Chapter Thirty-Six.)

America originally rose quickly and was so much freer and more prosperous than other countries because it was a country brilliantly controlled by nearly flawless rule of law and not subjected to flaw-filled rule of man as so many other countries.

Yes, man is full of faults, motivated by ego, tugged toward temptations, attracted to easy money, corruption and dishonesty. Man is imperfect, including all Visionaries.

Therefore, the Twelve Visions Party takes America’s rule of law one step further: By going down to the biological fundamental of protection — no initiatory force — the Prime-Law Amendment would end lawmakers from recklessly creating new laws that have nothing to do with protection, and the Prime Law would end justices from recklessly interpreting law and opening the door for government to control us through “social good”, and the Prime Law would stop bureaucrats from establishing regulations based on political policy instead of the one proper fundamental of protection from initiatory force. For, any law or interpretation or enforcement beyond protection against initiatory force requires initiatory force; the law regresses to the rule of man.

The Prime Law takes the rule of law all the way and ensures a pure, protection-only government. A pure, protection-only government is also a get-out-of-the-way government, which sets free the geniuses of society and ignites the universal prosperity-explosion. The flawless Prime Law was the final rule-of-law integration the founding fathers missed.

The Prime Law has the potential to become an amendment to the Constitution of the United States, where the Prime Law has belonged since the creation of the U.S. Constitution. Let us take a close look at that possibility:

The U.S. Constitution’s three main principles of inherent rights, government by the people, and separation of powers provided the basis for the freest and most prosperous nation in history. Just imagine over two centuries ago the new ideas of a nation created to ensure a person’s right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness as written in the Declaration of Independence, a nation governed by the people, a nation with watchdog checks and balances on political and bureaucratic powers.

The delegates of the Constitutional Convention in 1787 also gave careful consideration to the division of power between the federal government and state governments. The U.S. Constitution, which emerged from the Constitutional Convention in 1787, is called the supreme law because the state constitutions and both federal and state laws cannot violate the U.S. Constitution.

The U.S. Constitution does a nearly perfect job setting down the principles and system of government. Things went wrong because of continual misinterpretation of the Constitution over generations, which led to repeated violations of the Constitution. What was missing was an overarching constitution, so to speak, the prime law of no initiatory force.

Had the Prime Law existed since the beginning, our country would have entered the wealthy/healthy/safe Twelve-Visions World generations ago (as seen in Twelve Visions and dramatized in Superpuzzle, both Hamilton Publications).

If the Prime Law eventually becomes an amendment to the U.S. Constitution — the Prime-Law Amendment — we could again have confidence in the U.S. Constitution, for it brilliantly sets down the system of government and separation of powers, starting with the three main powers of 1) making laws, 2) executing laws, and 3) interpreting laws.

There would be, however, a fundamental change with the Prime-Law Amendment: The whole concept of a government based on power — separation of powers, division of powers, checks and balances of powers — would change from a government based on power to a government based on service. That fundamental change from a power basis to a service basis would evolve a businesslike system — a businesslike protection service — as detailed in Twelve Visions, a Mark Hamilton Publication.

Let us take a closer look at what the Prime-Law Amendment would accomplish. First, as identified in the following chapters, over the past century, our government existed for two purposes:

1) To protect the people

2) To promote the social good

To promote the general welfare of the people has been misinterpreted to mean: increase their standards of living or their wealth. Well, as demonstrated in the following chapters, politicians cannot do that; the government cannot and should not exist to enhance social well-being, not beyond physical protection, which includes justice and proper lawmaking, both criminal and civil. Government merely provides the conditions for individuals to pursue their purpose to prosper and live happily. The government guarantees those conditions through the Prime Law, which calls for a protection-only government. Indeed, the Prime Law and its protection-only government guarantee the conditions that promote the general welfare of the people. Instead, our politicians spend our money ostensibly for the “social good”, but they really want the ruling-class glory and power and importance that goes with spending money. The evidence is clear: they do not want anything to do with the deeper effort that goes with soundly spending money (Chapter Thirty-Six). The repeated misinterpretations of the U.S. Constitution has led to these blatant violations of the Constitution, such as spending our money beyond protection and bankrupting our future, which could never occur with the Prime Law in place.

So, career politicians with the help of federal justices and regulatory bureaucrats have made a mess of things. Our well-being, standard of living, and wealth can be dramatically lifted by unhampered market businessmen and women…by the geniuses of society. But the erroneous second purpose of government must first end.

That bogus purpose of government to so-call “promote the social good” sprang up over the years through career politicians finding ways to spend money and become more and more likable for re-election. (See the James J. Hill story in Chapter Seven.) The Prime-Law Amendment gets rid of all that, forever.

The one valid purpose for our government, as you know, is to protect the people from initiatory force, which includes providing justice. The only way to guarantee the protection of all people — equal, unbiased and unconditional protection of all people of all races and all social classes and all career positions in society — is to protect the individual. Regardless of race or social status, the Prime Law guarantees everyone his or her unprejudiced rights as an individual, as a minority of one — the smallest of all minorities. Every individual is equally and fully protected.

Now, to provide comprehensive protection of the individual requires going down to and establishing the biologically irreducible fundamental of protection. As an analogy, to capture the comprehensive nature of the cosmos requires going down to and understanding the irreducible, fundamental sub-atomic particles composing the cosmos. The irreducible, thus indivisible, incorruptible fundamental of protection is: elimination of initiatory force, which is the function of the Prime-Law Amendment. There is nothing deeper upon which to argue opinions or agendas. The Prime Law says it all. There is nothing more.

Indeed, comprehensive protection of the individual demands one prime law — one overarching, irreducible law: the elimination of initiatory force against the individual and his property. With that one prime law, everyone becomes protected from intentional harm caused by man, including harm from government.

Therefore, with the passing of the Prime-Law Amendment, the erroneous purpose of government and its destructive ruling-class of man can never return. Prosperity will soar forever as described throughout the National Platform. What great news! Indeed, one prime law was always needed; one prime law eternally guarantees protection and freedom. That one Prime Law could bring about the Twelve-Visions World (described in Twelve Visions, a Mark Hamilton Publication) if that Prime Law were to become an amendment to the U.S. Constitution, the Prime-Law Amendment.

With that one Prime Law in place, it essentially becomes our Supreme Law to which every law must answer. For, the Supreme Law will filter out every law and regulation in violation, namely those that serve the bogus purpose of so-called promoting the “social good”, agenda-law which requires initiatory force. The Prime Law is the biological fundamental, the point of origin, the beginning of all law. Therefore, no further unhealthy law or misinterpretation of the U.S. Constitution could occur. No more agenda-law, political-policy regulations, or ego-justice…no more violations could happen. Government could not tell us how to spend our money or force us to pay taxes. As long as we did not commit initiatory force, we would be completely free. We would not need ego-and-power-driven lawmakers stirring up legislation…with lawyers and bureaucrats using those laws to control us and drain us. We would no longer need that parasitical ruling-class of man that destroyed our yet-unknown prosperity. Their deceptions could no longer pass through the Prime-Law Amendment — including their forced taxes.

Our government would cease to house a parasitical ruling-class of man as we switched over to the Protection-Only Budget (described in the next chapter) that ends the funds for the bogus second purpose of government — to so-call promote the “social good”. The Protection-Only Budget supplies funds to the one proper purpose of government — to protect the country and its citizens from initiatory force, which includes the proper protection-based lawmaking and system of justice, forever unable to violate the Prime Law.

Now, what guarantees our government could never again grow a ruling class? Government can grow a ruling class only through force — pay your taxes or go to prison. With the passing of the Prime-Law Amendment, not even the government could use initiatory force and, therefore, would forever cease to be a ruling class. Instead, with the passing of the Prime-Law Amendment, the government would function as a protection service you voluntarily pay for. Twelve Visions explains exactly how that would happen.

Gone would be the days of bogus and destructive government, government on the offense so-called promoting the “social good”. Market businesspersons — the geniuses of society — would successfully take over that job of promoting the social good as shown in Chapter Thirty-Six. Then, our new government would forever provide the one specific value of protection, which its citizens — its customers — would voluntarily pay for. People will gladly pay for safety and peace.

Realize, the Protection-Only Budget described in the next chapter would not be enough to permanently end the ruling class. The government could regress into a corrupt ruling class again eventually if government could use initiatory force against its citizens with a force-backed IRS. In short, that ugly rise of the ruling class is what happened to our original, beautiful U.S. Government idea meant to exist for protection only. The Prime-Law Amendment would forever stop the ruling class from happening again. Indeed, the Prime-Law Amendment pulls out the roots of the ruling class — initiatory force, which includes forced taxes.

Without forced tax collection, government power is not a ruling power. Instead, it is an earned power, earned from ever-looming, potential competition. Our Twelve-Visions Government is nonthreatening to its citizens — to its customers — and is incorruptible.

With initiatory force permanently out of the equation of government due to the Prime-Law Amendment, man can hold no ruling power — no rule-of-man power — and can never again hold ruling power over you whatsoever. For the first time, you will be truly free…you and the many geniuses of society!

The Twelve-Visions Government will eventually evolve into a reputable business providing the immense value of protection — peace and safety — a priceless value citizens will gladly pay for. If you were unhappy with the protection service, you could withdraw and not pay…and not be a criminal. If enough people did that, a competitive service would rise to guarantee protection — better protection. Those free-market dynamics would force tomorrow’s government to provide honest and satisfactory value to you. Those free-market dynamics would guarantee your best protection, including national defense and local police protection as demonstrated in Twelve Visions (a Mark Hamilton Publication).

Those free-market dynamics would also free the geniuses of society. With the Prime-Law Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, the prosperity-explosion described in the following chapters would never end. Now, you will read about the wealth, happiness, love, and health you could experience. The following chapters deliver the actual system that will allow ordinary people to live the wealthy, healthy, and safe lives they were meant to live.  

Chapter Thirty-Five

Multiply Our Buying Power

A Thousandfold

We have reached a special place in time: the idea of real, universal wealth and health can actually happen, and the Twelve Visions Party is highly aware of this unprecedented opportunity. We have identified two paths to universal wealth, health, and security:

Path 1) The ratification of the Prime Law as an amendment to the U.S. Constitution. The Prime-Law Amendment will filter out the bogus second purpose of government. Without initiatory force to pursue the bogus second purpose of government, the rule of flaw-filled man — the elite ruling class of flaw-filled man — will end in light of the rule of flawless law, the Prime Law. Geniuses of society would no longer be held back and would be free to multiply our buying power…up to a thousandfold, as first seen in the uniquely free computer industry. Multiplying our buying power even a hundredfold would bring Americans universal wealth, health, and security.

Path 2) The process of amending the U.S. Constitution, for all practical purposes, must start with Congress. Therefore, the Prime-Law Amendment will have to wait for the Great Replacement Program to occur first, as described in this chapter. A second, potentially more rapid path to universal wealth, health, and security starts with the Executive Branch, with the President, specifically with his Protection-Only Budget, as described in this chapter. The scenerio described in this chapter could happen swiftly (remember Perot’s near tipping point in ’92). The passing of the President’s Protection-Only Budget will effectively cut off the bogus second purpose of government, as described within. Passing the Protection-Only Budget, effectively depoliticizing and deregulating America, will also end the ruling-class of flaw-filled man and free the geniuses of society. The geniuses will do for all industries what they did for the mostly nonpoliticized, mostly unregulated computer industry: they will multiply our buying power a thousandfold, making all Americans wealthy. The Great Replacement Program (replacing ruling-class politicians with Prime-Law politicians) would follow, and the Prime-Law Amendment would then follow, bringing our country, for the first time, rule of flawless law, permanently locking down the conditions of universal wealth, health, and security. The unprecedented wealth for ordinary people is described within. For the first time, what you are reading here about universal wealth, health, and security is not political rhetoric. It is your destiny with the Prime Law.

So, let us view your destiny of wealth, health, and peace. …Just before we do, however, I must take a moment to form the ground for your trek to the viewing point of the life you were meant to live: Consistently since the early 1980s, I have spent long days developing Twelve Visions, a Mark Hamilton Publication that reveals twelve visions of the future — of your destiny. Twelve Visions uses a unique blend of past and present facts that snap together like pieces to a puzzle.

Consider that, as with any forming puzzle, a point will come when you can see what the completed puzzle-picture will look like, even before all the pieces are snapped into place. Knowing what the puzzle-picture looks like before it is all there is seeing into the future. You can actually describe the missing portion of the puzzle-picture – describe the future pieces. This ability to show you a puzzle-picture before it is all there — an accurate vision of the future – is called Neothink. I developed and perfected Neothink over the past quarter century.

I used this Neothink puzzle-building technique to build Twelve Visions — a complete puzzle-picture showing us our future. I reveal a country of wealthy, healthy, and safe citizens (and much more) resulting from very specific psychological and political changes. The pages that follow contain selected portions from four of my Twelve Neothink Visions; they show us exactly how to bring the people, even the poor, remarkable wealth, health, and peace.

Indeed, the remaining four chapters consist of the Tenth, Eleventh, and parts of the Ninth and Twelfth Visions from Twelve Visions and show you the puzzle-picture of your life tomorrow with the Prime Law.

As you begin, realize there may be a few words and concepts you do not fully understand that were developed in the first eight visions, but just continue reading. We will begin with the Eleventh Vision…

Unstoppable Universal Wealth

“That’s the technology paradox: Businesses can thrive at the very moment when their prices are falling the fastest. ‘The only thing that matters is if the exponential growth of your market is faster than the exponential decline of your prices,’ says George M.C. Fisher, chairman and CEO of Eastman Kodak Co. The challenge is enormous, he says. ‘Companies have to project out: How will I be competitive in a world (in which) technology will be virtually free?’

“The new rules require more than ingenuity, agility, and speed. They call for redefining value in an economy where the cost of raw technology is plummeting toward zero. Sooner or later, this plunge will obliterate the worth of almost any specific piece of hardware or software. Then, value will be in establishing a long-term relationship with a customer — even if it means giving the first generation of a product away.”

— Business Week “The Technology Paradox: How Companies Thrive As Prices Dive”

Many new technologies bombarded my thoughts as the Eleventh Vision came to me. A great competitive storm of super rapidly evolving new technologies in tomorrow’s Twelve-Visions World caused consumer prices to fall to fractions.

With the success of the Twelve Visions Party and its Prime Law, the famous free-falling prices of computers and communications spread beyond the computer industry across many old industries and all new industries, reaching nearly all consumer products. Then, even modest paychecks and savings were worth a fortune.

Well, you got rich, without lifting a finger, in that Twelve-Visions World. The computer revolution was a forerunner to a Technological Revolution that drove prices toward zero and values toward infinity in most industries.

Today, people wonder where the Technological Revolution will take us. America’s richest man and other powerful people predict mind-boggling technological transformations culminating in a distance-free world. They are right: the walls of distance have nearly come down as digitized information traveling through broadband fiber-optic cables and between personal satellite dishes let us work, learn, shop, and play anywhere in the world, anytime, regardless where we live. But those visionaries have limited insight into what will really happen. They do not predict the enormous wealth.

The very large financial benefits of ending the ruling class brings increasing pressure for people to turn to the Twelve Visions Party. The most powerful and fastest moving trends throughout history were economically driven. As this monetarily motivated trend to end the ruling class grows, my Eleventh Vision showed me big government eventually could not hold. My Vision showed me that during the first quarter of the twenty-first century, big government popped off society like a champagne cork. Suddenly, millions of super entrepreneurs spouted forth, out of nowhere. They were the first to jump into the Neothink mentality. During my Eleventh Vision, those millions of freed super entrepreneurs caused a catalytic progression of tomorrow’s super technologies, which caused a catalytic explosion of buying power.

The era of inexpensive super technologies showered upon us. Cost-collapsing telecommunications, fiber optics, digitized information, super-powered personal computers, the Internet, robotics, the Genome Project…those were only a few small clouds at the turn of the millennium before a giant storm of competitive geniuses and their super technologies. With the success of the Twelve Visions Party, the geniuses feverishly competed day and night against each other to bring us breathtaking values for just a few dollars or less. When the technological storm began, more and more affordable super technologies showered upon us day after day, our buying power soared, and it never came back down once lifted by the great technological twister.

Our lifestyles became our previous fantasies as our buying power kept soaring until we lived like millionaires, including the poor. All along, the only thing that prevented our millionaire-like lifestyles was big government.

Before the success of the Twelve Visions Party, throughout the twentieth century and into the twenty-first century, most industries and their technologies were terribly burdened by big government — by regulation, legislation, litigation, taxes. Most industries and technologies had long been politicized; the computer/Internet industry had not (although there was a growing trend, starting with the infamous antitrust lawsuit brought against Microsoft).

Without carrying the same burden, the geniuses in the computer field easily jumped ahead. And that was the difference that allowed prices to miraculously race toward zero.

That was a preview to the Technological Revolution that will happen with the success of the Twelve Visions Party. Over the next three pages are three oversimplified images that flashed before me during my Eleventh Vision: (Author’s Note: Although grossly oversimplified, these flash mental images occurred during my Neothinking process and do make the basic point. The Department of Homeland Security was created after my Eleventh Vision had occurred. Therefore, that executive department does not show up on the following images.)

My Eleventh Vision showed me technologies in all areas of life free to race ahead in the way the computers had. In that Twelve-Visions Society of rapidly advancing technologies, living costs fell to fractions in the way the computers had. Buying power in all areas of life multiplied a hundred times or more. I saw ordinary people living like millionaires in custom homes, driving luxury cars, and vacationing all over the world first class. Even the poor enjoyed the gifts of life.

One man had the power to quickly bring us into that Twelve-Visions World where poverty and suffering no longer existed and Americans lived in luxury. That man was the President of the United States. In the twentieth century and early twenty-first century, no President would initiate the millionaire phenomenon because no career politician would slash his own base of power. But now, we have seen a sample of the great prosperity:

The regulatory seams around society restrict new technologies and hold back the Technological Revolution. Those regulatory seams holding back the Technological Revolution also postpone the job revolution and block a hundred million super entrepreneurs (explained in the Fifth Vision). When big government disintegrated with the success of the Twelve Visions Party, modern technologies burst out everywhere and mixed with millions of unleashed super entrepreneurs using Neothink. The overwhelming creativity, pumped into the new supersociety, generated prosperity that went off the charts, beyond anything ever contemplated in economic think tanks. Even the poorest Americans experienced enormous wealth.

You Became 100 Times Richer

My Eleventh Vision showed me that by honing in on the national budget alone, our buying power could be catapulted a hundred times or more! We have to do nothing! Let us start with a brief overview of what makes up the national budget:


Your taxes break down into mandatory spending programs such as Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, means-tested entitlements such as Food Stamps, Supplemental Security Income, Child Nutrition, veterans’ pensions; and the remaining mandatory spending mainly consists of Federal retirement and insurance programs, unemployment insurance, and payments to farmers. All those Federal entitlement programs, programs ostensibly for the social good, add up to more than half of all federal government spending in the early twenty-first century. The discretionary spending breaks down into defense spending for the military and non-defense discretionary spending, which covers the Legislative Branch, the Judicial Branch, the Executive Branch, including its fifteen executive departments, the EPA, NASA, foreign aid, science…basically whatever it costs to run the Federal government. Then, of course, there is interest on the national debt. Discretionary spending, which is what it costs to run the military and the government, plus the interest on the national debt, add up to less than half of all federal spending in the early twenty-first century.

Finally, federal spending usually creates either a surplus or a deficit, meaning it collects more than it spends in the case of a surplus, or it spends more than it collects, in the case of a deficit. Growing deficits mean growing debt, which means growing interest payments.

Now, let us look at my Eleventh Vision that showed me how to approach the budget to cause our buying power to soar a hundred times or more, without us lifting a finger!

My Eleventh Vision showed me the most sensational creation of wealth the world has ever known. I saw a Twelve-Visions President slash government spending by nearly removing the entitlement spending programs and the majority of non-defense discretionary spending. He was very careful that, first, those who had earned entitlements such as social security and veterans’ pensions were fully compensated through a spectacular sale of all government assets that had nothing to do with protection. With the trillions of dollars accumulated from the largest sale in mankind’s history, social security that was owed was paid off completely, up front and in full, plus interest. Then, the Social Security program ended all together, for the government had no business telling people how to spend or save their money. Veterans’ pensions were continued, but managed through a private, third-party service.

The budget to run the government was eventually reduced by over 50% to essential laws, courts, prisons, Federal police, intelligence, defense…everything needed to protect the citizens’ peace and safety. The military (including veterans’ pensions), courts, prisons, and legitimate lawmaking protected the people from initiatory force. Protecting the people from initiatory force and coercion is, in the long run, the only valid purpose of a federal government. Eventually, all functions of government beyond protection evolved into a businesslike setup, as described in Neothink® trilogy Superpuzzle (a Mark Hamilton Publication, 1200-pages). People willingly subscribed to those services.

During this Twelve-Visions President’s term, there was no chaos. (The President had a two-year battle with Congress over the budget, but the mid-term elections washed out many of those resisting the President’s budget as the people noticed their buying power rising.) Instead, he simplified the Federal Government. The country fell into beautiful order as he led the privatization of many government services. Moreover, great prosperity — the millionaire phenomenon — swept across the country as businesses and entrepreneurs were free to invest in research and development without the burden and risk of an offensive, regulatory government. Big business and garage entrepreneurs both developed new technologies so swiftly, with such rapidly dropping costs, that our buying power began climbing…climbing so rapidly, in fact, poor people previously dependent on government entitlements instead soon lived with the standards of living of millionaires by the end of the Twelve-Visions President’s term. Soon, no one missed big government, not even the most liberal communities. Everyone was too busy enjoying his or her new standard of living…a standard of living only the millionaires enjoyed just one presidential term earlier. A new era had arrived, the Twelve-Visions Era.

In the Eleventh Vision, looking back at today’s budgets, we knew what defense spending and interest on the national debt were for. But, we had a hard time understanding the spending programs for the “social good” or for much of non-defense government. For one thing, tomorrow we knew the best way to help the people was to set free the geniuses in order to make the people rich: to make their buying power go so high they lived like millionaires.

Tomorrow our make-the-people-millionaires program freed technologies and freed super entrepreneurs to drive the new technologies into computerlike revolutions everywhere for everyone. A Twelve-Visions President whose career was not politics turned inward and slashed his own base of political power — regulatory power — to free the technologies and the super entrepreneurs.

To be the President of the United States before the Twelve-Visions World was to be a career politician; the career politician by nature built his base of political power, and the President’s base of political power was regulatory power — the regulatory bureaucracies, commissions, and agencies beneath him. That was why no president seriously wanted to eliminate most regulations. Social and regulatory programs supposedly “for the public good” supported the President’s and Congress’ base of power. Those spending programs, even those entitlement programs such as social welfare, came hand in hand with massive regulations telling us how to spend our money and run our businesses. Unbeknownst to you, but so obvious to me during my Eleventh Vision, those regulations actually blocked the Twelve-Visions World in which you would live as a millionaire.

Those so-called “help the people” social and regulatory programs were illusions that actually hurt the people while building the Presidents’ popularity, ego, and power. In my Eleventh Vision, I was amazed that the “great” presidents of the twentieth century who started “noble” social programs for the “social good” were looked back upon as the worst malefactors of society.

The Biggest Illusion

Today, the massive Federal spending programs on entitlements so-called “for the social good” in turn give the Federal Government absolute power to regulate the economy and rule over our money. The Federal Government has its regulatory web all throughout our economy — in every business, every consumer product, every job, every profession, including every hospital, every doctor’s office, every research and development program, every discovery, every invention, every paycheck, every person’s wallet.

In my Eleventh Vision, the people in tomorrow’s Twelve-Visions World were amazed that politicians and bureaucrats once ruled over our money and our lives. The archaic regulatory web throughout the economy trapped and paralyzed new technologies. Without super rapidly advancing technologies, costs did not drop to fractions. Instead, costs went up and up and up for the entire twentieth century. We just could not believe it, looking back: prices went up for 100 years! The elderly who lived on set pensions and measly entitlements got trapped in the dungeons of society as long-term inflation ate up everything they had.

Sometime in the twenty-first century, we discovered that the only way to truly help the needy and everyone else was to send the economy through a buying-power metamorphosis such as the computer industry’s buying-power metamorphosis. The Eleventh Vision showed me the needy and everyone else’s limited buying power leapt a hundred times when the Twelve-Visions President’s Protection-Only Budget swished away the regulatory web throughout the economy. His budget swished away those so-called “good intentions”, such as social welfare and the regulatory bureaucracies that wove regulatory control throughout every nook and cranny of the business world. When that regulatory web was gone, technology was free, and it took off just as the unregulated computer technology had, but in every industry. Everyone’s buying power quickly rose. (This ended Social Security payments. Moreover, this unique approach miraculously repaid every penny of social security to Americans with full fair-market interest! That financial miracle meant elderly Americans received a small fortune from the government, all up front, by selling off all government assets that had nothing to do with protection.)

The World’s Greatest Irony

The world’s greatest irony was: the way to best help the people was to cross out the government’s programs to “help the people” and the massive regulations that came with those “well intentioned” massive spending programs. Indeed, ending the noble-sounding “higher” causes, those programs for the “social good”, ultimately ended the destructive elite class ruling over us, suppressing us. Our Twelve-Visions Government shrank to its original and proper purpose of individual protection — protecting the peace.

And when that happened, look what happened next: My Eleventh Vision showed me an amazing world without those regulatory webs of “good intentions” so-called “for the social good”. The needy and everyone else lived like “kings” as unburdened technology soared, costs plunged, and everyone’s buying power multiplied on average a hundred times. Everyone became rich…yes, including the poor. It was the only program that could ever make the poor live like millionaires.

The “social good” was just a clever way of saying “politicize society, rule over the people, and play God with their money, morals, and lives.” The “social good” was the career politicians’ and regulatory bureaucrats’ prime illusion that manipulated our century-old mental programming for “higher” causes (Vision Prologue).

Sometime in the twenty-first century, we deprogrammed our minds with Neothink and, like coming out of a spell, we shook our heads and said “enough” to spending more than half of the Federal Budget on the “social good”.

Ending The Spell

The first Twelve-Visions President ended politicization of our lives and ended government on the offense — ended entitlement and regulatory programs. The Twelve-Visions President reduced government to self-defense protection only, a government of defense without an active ruling class telling us how to live. That paradigm shift freed the geniuses of society.

They, in turn, whirled into an aggressive storm of Neothink competition to serve up our every need. In doing so, they lifted technology into new dimensions, which drove down living and health costs to fractions and brought us spectacular new values and entertainment. The computer revolution of the twentieth century seemed like a little white cloud compared to the storm of new technologies raining on us in the twenty-first century.

As you know, after World War II, we looked back in disbelief at the holocaust. In tomorrow’s Twelve-Visions World, our children and grandchildren looked back in disbelief at today’s politicians and bureaucrats ruling over us. In both cases, millions of innocent people died at the hands of politicians and bureaucrats ruling over us. Everyone, everywhere, in my Eleventh Vision knew the only reason the disease-free, wealthy Twelve-Visions World never happened in the twentieth century was because, simply put, no politicians wanted to slash their base of political power. They cared only about building their base of power — regulatory, legislative, and spending power. (Indeed, spending money they did not earn brought them enormous, easy power and prestige.) Therefore, we did not have the slightest clue of the phenomenal wealth and health available to us by reducing government to a protection-only government of defense…not until the “Solar Eclipse”:

The “Solar Eclipse”

Consider that Einstein’s Theory of Relativity (E=mc2) went years unrecognized. Then, a natural phenomenon occurred — a solar eclipse — that demonstrated his theory. Instantly, Einstein and his Theory of General Relativity were a world sensation accepted by nearly everyone. With that solar-eclipse demonstration, the world quickly moved beyond Newtonian physics to Einsteinian physics.

During my Eleventh Vision, I saw a similar phenomenon in politics: The Twelve-Visions President’s first budget was that “solar eclipse” as he eclipsed many of the solar-high spending programs for the “social good” and most of the non-defense spending. Although Congress did everything possible to undo his budget for their own survival, the unmistakable demonstration of falling taxes and rising buying power still occurred, no matter how diluted. Similar to Einstein’s Relativity, instantly the make-the-people-millionaires program of slashing regulations and offensive government was a world sensation.

With that “solar-eclipse” demonstration, world politics quickly moved beyond career politicians and regulatory bureaucrats…into the new political paradigm, the unprecedented get-the-people-rich government.

Needless to say, the Twelve-Visions President’s Protection-Only Budget was a shock to Congress as he tried to cut the budget in half his first year. He wanted no more deceptions — no more politicians and bureaucrats politicizing our lives and ruling over us in the name of “higher” causes. He knew that only the James J. Hills (next chapter) — the geniuses of society — could boost the people’s standards of living. Congress did not accept his budget at all. They did not want to give up their ruling class with all its spending and glory.

Yet, Congress had no choice but to give in to some degree because once the people elected a Twelve-Visions President, they sensed good things about his route to the millionaire-phenomenon and stood behind him. So the legislative ruling-class, 435 Congressmen and 100 Senators, had to abandon their first thoughts of impeachment. With their very own constituents cheering for the make-the-people-millionaires program, Congress was not able to completely undo his budget. Of course, Congress radically changed the budget, but the President vigorously pointed his finger at the culprits for the whole country to see. Thus, Congress backed off and some of what he submitted took hold.

Bingo. People’s taxes dropped immediately. But more importantly, their buying power started going up almost immediately. For the first time, exciting practical results outperformed political rhetoric. After that “solar-eclipse” demonstration, the Twelve-Visions President then told America, loud and clear: “Imagine what could happen to your buying power if my Protection-Only Budget passed in its entirety. You could all be rich before my term is over!”

With that realization, the people almost unanimously implemented a nationwide change called The Great Replacement Program: Like a big wave at high tide due to the “solar-eclipse” demonstration, the Great Replacement Program washed over the country; it washed away the career politicians and their ruling class. Voters nominated and voted into Congress business owners and genuine, market-driven businessmen and women, knowing they would pass the Twelve-Visions President’s Protection-Only Budget in its entirety.

Those market-driven businesspeople — the James J. Hills (next chapter) — never cared about building political power. Such as the Twelve-Visions President, they were not politicians. Instead, they wanted a free and booming economy. So, to that end, they were more than happy to eclipse their own structures of political power. They were more than happy to eclipse all government “good intentions” — that is, all those social and regulatory programs “for the social good” that were really Trojan Horses carrying massive, suppressive regulations. Those market businesspeople passed the Twelve-Visions President’s budget in its entirety. The ruling class vanished.1

Taxes immediately fell by more than half. But far more important, the regulatory/legislative web throughout the economy simply got swished away, which immediately set free the aggressive entrepreneurs who leapt into Neothink (society’s geniuses) and immediately set free the advancing new technologies. The Neothink geniuses — the miracle makers — drove forth the new technologies. Industry after industry went through unprecedented buying-power miracles. Computerlike revolutions were happening everywhere, in every industry, even in the housing industry, bringing us inexpensive beautiful new homes and ending the real-estate crisis with a building boom.

Indeed, removing the many regulations on the construction industry and its many suppliers and support industries, not to mention removing the bulk of taxes, immediately allowed general contractors to build bigger, better, and more beautiful homes for a lot less money. And that improvement was immediate, before the technological breakthroughs kicked in!

Under the government of offense, your buying power decreased for a hundred years. After the Great Replacement Program led by a Twelve-Visions President and his Protection-Only Budget, your buying power increased a hundred times or more during a decade. Indeed, the Protection-Only Budget quickly freed the geniuses and launched the wealthy Twelve-Visions World. The Prime Law ultimately became an amendment to the Constitution of the United States and permanently freed the geniuses and forever guaranteed your wealthy Twelve-Visions World.

Everyone Will Be Taken Care Of

Tomorrow’s get-the-people-rich (by getting out of the way) government physically protected us only. The Federal Government was reduced to protection against physical aggression (or an imminent threat). A budget less than half previous budgets was needed to protect our country. The other half to three-quarters of previous budgets was no longer needed. We realized up to three-quarters of the Federal Budget had been wrongly used to rule over society through politicizing our lives and our businesses.

The people saw the double negative of money taxed and spent for the “social good”. In fact, the whole idea of a government on the offensive for the “social good” became a bizarre thought. The government had one purpose — a government of defense to protect its citizens from physical attack, coercion, or fraud. All the other money taxed straight out of our lives — up to three dollars for every four that we earned, taken from us in taxes for spending other than physical protection and interest on the debt — simply sucked that enormous portion of money out of the economy, particularly out of those hard-working geniuses who liked to reinvest their money into growth to generate more wealth and jobs. The government then redistributed over half of that money to a government-created class of people who “inherited” a living and generated nothing for society.


1Although only one-third of the Senate could have been replaced during the mid-term elections, the public pressure to vote for the Protection-Only Budget overwhelmed the majority of senators.

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